Welcome to the Sludge and Flowers Page.

This is the place where we print some of the more interesting mail we have received about this site.

A response from a "cult expert" to our cult release
Yes, you are a cult. You have been since you began and nothing has changed. You are not as destructive as the cult from which your founder came, but nevertheless, you do behave as a cult.

I personally have no interest in debates etc. As you said, you have already admitted you are a cult - what more is there to say?

As for your other charges - Rubbish!

Praying that one day you will truly know Freedom in Christ

Jan Groenveld
Brisbane, Oz
Cult Awareness & Information Centre

Dear Jan, thanks for the classic illustration of the narrow mindedness that seems to go hand in hand with the cult buster mentality

From an "anonymous" admirer
I've just found your home-page, and found it very interesting.
Browsing your Private teachings page I found that I could stongly agree with a great deal of what you have to say, and I look foward to reading the rest. Thankyou for making it available on the Web.

From Dave,
I know you guys. You're just a bunch of ratbags. I don't want anything to do with your cult. You're dangerous! And I bet you don't even read my letters, do you?

Dear Dave, Thank you for writing to us. We always read the letters from our critics.
Maybe there is truth in what you are saying that we could learn from. This will help us become a better and more sophisticated cult :-)


From JB
Hi Christians
You guys are really dipping the toe in a major ocean - the mix and melding of your early words to sexual reference searches should chance across many routine surfers.....if intended then expressions given are a little too perfect...
Interesting to view your stuff from: a personal view, as a public view, and as a marketing view, Dave once shared a career directive -...go out today and do mean deads.
Question - is your marketing targeting spiritual wimps (slack churchies), people in poo (Indians and locals with little chance of self help / materialistic development), or pigs (People like me with lots of stuff (god bit outside review during this comment - ok later) and scant regard for the differentials between us and them)? I don't think you can reach all three with the same bunch of words.....
I think the marketing focus is growing......is it supplementing the lack of a divine advertising agency........(judgement withheld) - jb

Dear JB,
Thank you for your comments. I too am interested in the Marketing aspect of our web site, in respect of what is going to catch people's attention enough to get them to read it. It may well be that our target audience is too broad, and what appeals to one person(the right wing religious nerd) will turn off other sub cultures (the left leaning unreligious Uni intellectual).
As J.C said, the children of this world are much shrewder in handling their affairs than the children of light. So therefore your comments from one outside looking in, and as a professional are welcome.
I think God gave us a brain so we could use it to advertise his existence. This theme came out quite well in the "Oh God" movies starring George Burns. If you haven't seen them yet I recommend you do. They're quite funny as well.
I don't think all rich men are pigs (I'm not sure if that is what you think we think). Certainly wealth and knowledge has its way of making people arrogant toward others and cruel. I suppose in the circles you mix in, you would witness your share of such examples.
For us here, what we might understand of your life in the corporate world is probably Hollywood myth. I am curious to hear a bit about it, if you have the time or inclination to write about it.


"Can we serve both God and money?"
"I query the relevance you appropiate to the Old Testament. We see Daniel working for human insitutions and kings, but serving and glorifying God through this. I do not deny your own calling. It is a challenge to all who proclaim Jesus is Lord. However, the example of Daniel suggests that it is still possible to glorify God while working in this world. What do you think?" (Dumfries Scotland).

Abraham, Issac, and Jacob all practiced polygamy too. Do you? Are you willing to risk your salvation by following Daniel (the Old Testament) in preference to Christ (the New Testament)? And are you suggesting that we are not "working in the world" because we are not working for money? Be honest about what you are defending here. Daniel was a prisoner in a strange land, yet God used his situation to bring glory to himself. You are not a prisoner if you willingly choose to work for money when Christ has asked you to live by faith and to work for love.

Greetings from the U.S. of A
Greeting all the way from Lanham Maryland in the USA!

I found your site by accident while doing some research on Christian Persecution. You are inspiring.
The "church" in America is a mess. I meet with a small church (about 40 adults) who split off from the main-line churches of Christ (whom we still love, and are trying to maintain some kind of relationship with). This is different from the International Churches of Christ... Anyway, my prayer for you and for the church is that it continues to grow in the truth of the Scriptures, God's word, and the truth of living for him!

Keep up the work and pray for us in the USA!

In Christ,
Fuller Ming, Jr
The Lord's Church, Greenbelt Maryland.

From Peter,
I found your 'teachings' directory and have been reading through some of the stuff there. I really agree with your approach of taking a close look at the teachings of Jesus, and making them the foundation of our relationship with God. A number of the pieces there have surprised me, and made me go back to the Gospels and check up what Jesus actually did say!
Quite a bit of that stuff has been on my mind for some time, and it is invigorating (and challenging) to see them drawn out to their logical conclusions.

Two criticism/comments: I am concerned that in places the author treats phrases out of the new testament, and treats them as direct commands to every one of us, without consideration of the context that they were made in, or who they were made to. I'd also disagree with the (apparent) claim that no Christian can justify working for a living, although I acknowledge that the case you put is well thought out. Regards Peter

Dear Peter,
Thanks for your criticisms/comments. It is always good to get some feedback from our fellow net surfers.
I must respond though that the context that Jesus was talking in when he made mention of "No man being able to serve two masters", (Matthew 6:24) was that it was to the disciples/Christians that had the stamina to climb the mountain to hear that sermon in the first place. It was only to those people that Jesus made reference to. So if you have decided to be one of the crowd that wanted to stay down at the bottom of the mountain then you won't even get to hear the truth in his teachings. If you want to hear Jesus you must be prepared to confront your fears (ie. fear of starving once you quit your job, fear of rejection from the crowd that trust the dollar) and climb what looks like a difficult mountain to listen to him.
If you want to find out for sure if what he says is true then put it into practice. That is what Jesus teaches in John 7:16.


From another "anonymous" admirer
Just checked out your website. It is excellent, I read the private teaching that was entitled "Insanity". Stuff there I can relate to - about the 2 realities (fear or faith).

A mesaage from an irate Church goer
"You have missed the message of the Bible completly! Good works will not save anyone. Christ alone saves! You have been bewitched. The Son set you free, but freedom is not doing and living the way you want to live and do. Everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Freedom is bowing your knee to Jesus and confessing him as your Lord".

People who teach against the "works" of obedience to Jesus always have some rules to which you must adhere to, to be saved. Whose rules will you obey, Christ's or your pastor's?

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